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::::: Conference :::::


14. Chowdam Venkata Prasad, Madani Labed, Jang Hyeok Prak and You Seung Rim

“A staggered-gap band-alignment of p-CuAlO₂/β-Ga₂O₃ Heterojunction Diode for Low Leakage and High Breakdown Voltage”

International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials (IWGO 2024), Kulturbrauerei, Berlin, Germany (2024. 5. 29)


13. Madani Labed, Bo-In Park, Jekyung Kim, Jang Hyeok Park, Ji Young Min, Hee Jae Hwang, Jeehwan Kim and You Seung Rim

“Graphene monolayer interlayer for ultrahigh Photoresponsivity of β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Deep Ultraviolet Photodiodes”

International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials (IWGO 2024), Kulturbrauerei, Berlin, Germany (2024. 5. 28)


12. Nguyen Tan Hoang Vu and You Seung Rim

“Physically Transient Devices Based on Biological Materials with Agarose as an Active Layer for Nonvolatile Memory Application”

EMRS spring meeting, Strasbourg, France (2023. 5. 29)

11. Jang Hyeok Park, Jung Hee Park, Jung Yeop Hong, Young-Kyun Jung, You Seung Rim

“Effects of Sn Doping Concentration of α-Ga₂O₃ Epitaxial Films Grown by Mist-CVD”

MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2023.11.29)


10. Go eun Choi and You Seung Rim

"Image Recognition Process of IGZO/CsPbBr₃ Photo-synaptic Transistors Imitating Human Learning Processes"

Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces 2023 (PCSI 2023), Sonesta Redondo Beach & Marina in Redondo Beach, California, USA (2023. 1. 15.)

9. Hojung Jeon and You Seung Rim

"Bio-resorbable Memristor with Alginate as an Active Layer for Transient Electronics"

Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces 2023 (PCSI 2023), Sonesta Redondo Beach & Marina in Redondo Beach, California, USA (2023. 1. 15.)

8. Kyong Jae Kim and You Seung Rim

"IGZO Synaptic Transistors using Ionic Gel-based Electric Double Layer Operation for Low voltage Driving"

Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces 2023 (PCSI 2023), Sonesta Redondo Beach & Marina in Redondo Beach, California, USA (2023. 1. 15.)

7. Jang Hyuk Park and You Seung Rim

"Epitaxial growth of Ga₂O₃ films for different ligand structures by mist chemical vapor deposition"

Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces 2023 (PCSI 2023), Sonesta Redondo Beach & Marina in Redondo Beach, California, USA (2023. 1. 15.)

6. Eun Seo Jo and You Seung Rim

"Assessment of Trapping Layer Control in Synaptic Transistor for Neuromorphic Computing"

Advances in Functional Materials Conference 2023 (AFM 2023), Kyushu university, Japan (2023. 1. 9.)

5. Ji Young Min, Taehyun Kim, Young-Kyun Jung, Taeho Jeong and You Seung Rim

"Electrical Properties of Li-doped and Undoped NiOx Double-layers on β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Diodes"

Advances in Functional Materials Conference 2023 (AFM 2023), Kyushu university, Japan (2023. 1. 9.)

4. Joon Hui Park and You Seung Rim

"Phase engineering of hetero epitaxially grown α-Ga₂O₃ solar blind photodetector using mist chemical vapor deposition"

Advances in Functional Materials Conference 2023 (AFM 2023), Kyushu university, Japan (2023. 1. 9.)

3. Eun seo Jo and You Seung Rim

"Assessment of Charge Trap Memory for Synaptic Transistor through Trap Time Control"

Materials Research Society 2022 (MRS 2022), Honolulu, Hawaii (2022. 5. 10)

2. Ji Young Min and You Seung Rim

"Effects of electrical characteristics on Undoped and Li-Doped NiO interlayers embedded Ni/β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Diodes"

Materials Research Society 2022 (MRS 2022), Honolulu, Hawaii (2022. 5. 10)

1. Joon Hui Park and You Seung Rim

"Phase Engineering of Ga₂O₃ Hetero- and Homo- Epitaxial Growth by Mist Chemical Vapor Deposition"

Materials Research Society 2022 (MRS 2022), Honolulu, Hawaii (2022. 5. 10)


75. 전호중, 라비드 마다니, 임유승

“세척 공정을 이용한 산화갈륨 쇼트키 접합 다이오드 특성 개선”

한국LED광전자학회, 부경대학교 대연캠퍼스 (2025.02.27)


74. 박장혁, 전호중, 임유승

“Mist-CVD를 이용한 Sn 도핑된 α-Ga2O3 준수직형 쇼트키 배리어 다이오드 제작”

한국LED광전자학회, 부경대학교 대연캠퍼스 (2025.02.27)

73. Madani Labed, Bo-In park, Je Kyung Kim, Jang Hyeok Park, Jeehwan Kim, You Seung Rim

“Transferred Graphene Monolayer for β- Ga₂O₃ Based Power Devices Applications”

제32회 한국반도체학술대회, 강원도 하이원 리조트 (2025.02.14)

72. Chowdam Venkata Prasad, Madani Labed, You Seung Rim

“p-CuAlO₂/β-Ga₂O₃ Interfaces: Self-powered Photodetector with Improved Linear Dynamic Range and Stability”

제32회 한국반도체학술대회, 강원도 하이원 리조트 (2025.02.14)


71. Jang Hyeok Park, Ho Jung Jeon, Jung Yeop Hong, Jung Hee Park, Young Kyun Jung, You Seung Rim

“Sn-doped α-Ga₂O₃ Quasi-vertical Schottky Barrier Diode Fabrication by Mist-CVD”

제32회 한국반도체학술대회, 강원도 하이원 리조트 (2025.02.13)


70. Kyong Jae Kim , Eun Seo Jo, Myeong Geun Yoo, You Seung Rim

“Optimization Strategies for BEOL-Compatible (Hf, Zr)O₂ FeFET with IGZO channel”

제32회 한국반도체학술대회, 강원도 하이원 리조트 (2025.02.14)


69. Ho Jung Jeon, Labed Madani, You Seung Rim

“Improving Schottky Barrier Diode Performance by Optimizing Cleaning Process for Ga₂O₃”

제32회 한국반도체학술대회, 강원도 하이원 리조트 (2025.02.14)


68. Hee Won Shin, You Seung Rim

“Growth Control of α-Ga₂O₃ Hetero-epitaxial Films with Varying Growth Positions by Using a Mist-CVD Method”

제32회 한국반도체학술대회, 강원도 하이원 리조트 (2025.02.12)

67. Kyong Jae Kim , Eun Seo Jo, You Seung Rim

“Low-Thermal-Budget (≤ 350°C) IGZO Channel Ferroelectric Thin Film Transistor with Large Memory Window”

제1회 한국정보디스플레이 학술대회 (KMiD), Ganeung, Korea, (2025.01.20)

66. Jang Hyeok Park, Jung Yeop Hong, Jung Hee Park, Young Kyun Jung, You Seung Rim

“Doping effect of Sn-doped α-Ga₂O₃ Epitaxial Growth by Mist-CVD”

The 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), Jeju, Korea, (2024.11.26)


​​65. Kyong Jae Kim , Eun Seo Jo, You Seung Rim

“Multi-Level-Cell Operation of Low-Thermal-Budget (≤ 350 ̊C) Ferroelectric Hf₀.₅Zr₀.₅O₂ IGZO Field-Effect Transistors”

The 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), Jeju, Korea, (2024.11.26)

64. Mohammad Tauquir Alam Shamim Shaikh, Ho Jung Jeon, Kyong Jae Kim, You Seung Rim

“Facile Solution-Processed Flexible and Biodegradable Organic Memristor for Wearable and Transient Electronics”

The 7th International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices & Systems MEMRISYS 2024, Seoul, Korea (2024.11.12)


63. Madani Labed, Je Kyung Kim, Bo-In park, Jang Hyeok Park, Jeehwan Kim, You Seung Rim

“Transferred Graphene Monolayer as a Diffusion Barrier for β-Ga₂O₃ Based Power Devices “



62. Ho Jung Jeon, Labed Madani, You Seung Rim

“Improving Schottky Barrier Diode Performance by Optimizing Cleaning Process for Ga₂O₃”



61. Kyong Jae Kim, You Seung Rim

“Tailoring Synaptic Weight through Electric-Double-Layer Modulation of the IGZO/Ionic Gel Hybrid Interface”

The 7th International Conference on Avtive Materials and Soft Mechatronics (AMSM 2024), Incheon, Korea (2024.10.28)


60. Kyong Jae Kim, Eun Seo Jo, You Seung Rim

“Low-Thermal-Budget(≤350oC) IGZO Ferroelectric Hf₀.₅Zr₀.₅O₂ Field-Effect Transistors with Large Memory Window”

The 22nd IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (NVMTS 2024), Busan, Korea (2024.10.21-22)


59. Mohammad Tauquir A.S. Shaikh, Ho Jung Jeon, You Seung Rim

“Controllable Biodegradation of Flexible Resistive Switching Device with Quantized Conductance Characteristics”

The 22nd IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (NVMTS 2024), Busan, Korea (2024.10.21-22)


58. Jang Hyeok Park, Jung Yeop Hong, Jung Hee Park, Young Kyun Jung, You Seung Rim

“Sn-doped α-Ga₂O₃ Epitaxial Growth with Control Doping Concentration by Mist-CVD”

The 11th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semicondutors (APWS 2024), Busan, Korea (2024.10.17)


57. Ho jung Jeon, You Seung Rim

“Improving Electrical Properties with NiO/β-Ga₂O₃ Heterojunction Diode by inserting Co-doped P-type Al-NiMgO Layer”

The 11th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semicondutors (APWS 2024), Busan, Korea (2024.10.17)


56. Chowdam Venkata Prasad, You Seung Rim

“High-Performance Self-Powered UV Photodetector based on p-CuAlO₂/β-Ga₂O₃ Heterojunction”

The 11th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semicondutors (APWS 2024), Busan, Korea (2024.10.17)


55. Kyong Jae Kim, Eun Seo Jo, You Seung Rim

“High-performance Ferroelectric Hf₀.₅Zr₀.₅O₂ Field-Effect Transistors with IGZO Channels for Monolithic 3-D Integration”

The 24th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2024), Jeju, Korea (2024. 8. 21)


54. Ho Jung Jeon, Ji Young Min, Labed Madani and You Seung Rim

"Enhancing NiO/β-Ga2O3 Heterojunction Diode Performance with Ultrawide Bandgap P-type Li-NiMgO Edge Termination"

2024 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Busan, Korea (2024. 6. 24.)


53. Jang Hyeok Park, Jung Yeop Hong, Jung Hee Park, Young Kyun Jung, You Seung Rim

"Sn-doped α-Ga₂O₃ Epitaxial Growth with Control Doping Concentration by Mist-CVD”

2024 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Busan, Korea (2024. 6. 24.)


52. Kyong Jae Kim, Eun Seo Jo, You Seung Rim

"Strategies to Achieve Large Remnant Polarization of BEOL-Compatible Ferroelectric Hf₀.₅Zr₀.₅O₂ thin films"

2024 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Busan, Korea (2024. 6. 24.)


51. Mohammad Tauquir Alam Shamim Shaikh, Ho Jung Jeon, You Seung Rim

"Flexible and Biodegradable Selector Switch Memristor Device Based on Polymer Blend for Wearable Electronics"

2024 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Busan, Korea (2024. 6. 24.)


50. Chowdam Venkata Prasad, You Seung Rim

"A staggered-gap p-CuAlO₂/Beta-Ga₂O₃ heterojunction for self-powered solar blind photodetector"

2024 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Busan, Korea (2024. 6. 24.)


49. Madani Labed, Bo-In Park, Jekyung Kim, Jang Hyeok Park, Ji Young Min, Jeehwan Kim and You Seung Rim

"Graphene monolayer effect on β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Deep Ultraviolet Photodiodes"

2024 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Busan, Korea (2024. 6. 24.)


48. Ho Jung Jeon and You Seung Rim

“Neuromorphic Device with Resistive Random-access Memory Using Organic Polymer for Transient Electronics”

The 18th International Thin-film Transistor Conference (ITC 2024), Daejeon, Korea (2024. 3. 28)


47. Kyong Jae Kim and You Seung Rim

“Optimization of Back-End-of-Line Compatible HfxZr1-xO₂ Field-Effect Transistors for Monolithic 3-D Integration”

The 18th International Thin-film Transistor Conference (ITC 2024), Daejeon, Korea (2024. 3. 28)


46. Mohammad Tauquir Alam Shamim Shaikh and You Seung Rim

“A Flexible and Fully Degradable Biomimetic Neuromorphic Device for Future Environmentally Friendly Electronics”

The 18th International Thin-film Transistor Conference (ITC 2024), Daejeon, Korea (2024. 3. 27)


45. Ho Jung Jeon and You Seung Rim

“Flexible Device with Resistive Random-access Memory Using Organic Polymer for Transient Electronics and Neuromorphic Application”

제31회 한국반도체학술대회, Gyeongju, Korea (2024. 1. 25)


44. Kyong Jae Kim, Eun Seo Jo and You Seung Rim

“Optimization of HfxZr1-xO2 Ferroelectric Field-effect Transistors by IGZO Channel Oxygen Vacancy Control”

제31회 한국반도체학술대회, Gyeongju, Korea (2024. 1. 25)


43. Jang Hyeok Park and You Seung Rim

“Control Doping Concentration of Sn-doped α-Ga₂O₃ Epitaxial Films by Mist-CVD”

제31회 한국반도체학술대회, Gyeongju, Korea (2024. 1. 25)

42. Mohammad Tauquir Alam Shamim Shaikh and You Seung Rim

“Multilevel Switching Behavior in Physically Transient Memristor for Biodegradable Electronics”

제31회 한국반도체학술대회, Gyeongju, Korea (2024. 1. 25)

41. Kyong Jae Kim, You Seung RIM

"Optimization of Back-End-of-Line Compatible HfxZr1-xO₂ Field-Effect Transistors for Monolithic 3-D Integration"
The 18th International Transistor Conferences, Dejeon, Koea (2024.04.24)

40. Ji Young Min and You Seung Rim

"High Breakdown and Low Leakage Current Design of P-Type NiOx Field Ring-Based β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Diodes"

The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 11. 3.)


39. Jang Hyuk Park and You Seung Rim

"Carrier Concentration Control of Lateral Sn-Doped Ga₂O₃ Grown by Mist-CVD Schottky Barrier Diodes"

The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 11. 3.)


38. Mohammad Tauquir Alam Shamim Shaikh and You Seung Rim

"Dissolvable Biomemristor for Physically Transient Memory Based on Polyvinylpyrrolidone Polymer"

The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 11. 2.)


37. Venkata Prasad Chowdam and You Seung Rim

"Interface Engineering of p-CuAlO₂/β-Ga₂O₃ Heterojunction: A Type-II Band-Alignment"

The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 11. 2.)


36. Ji Young Min, Labed Madani, and You Seung Rim

"Fabrication and simulation of NiO/β-Ga₂O₃ heterojunction at different oxygen flow"

The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 11. 2.)


35. Ho Jung Jeon and You Seung Rim

"Artificial Synapse-neuron Device with Resistive Random-access Memory using Alginate for Transient electronics"

The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 11. 1.)


34. Kyong Jae Kim and You Seung Rim

"Ionic-Gel/IGZO Hybrid Structure Electric-Double-Layer Transistors for Neuromorphic Application"

The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 11. 1.)


33. Eunseo Jo and You Seung Rim

"Optimizing Ferroelectric Properties of HfZrO₂ Thin-Film Transistors for Neuromorphic Computing"

The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 10. 31.)


32. Hojung Jeon and You Seung Rim

"Bio-resorbable Resistive Random-access Memory using Alginate for Hardware-security Application and Artificial Synapse"

2023 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2023. 6. 21.)

31. Jang Hyuk Park and You Seung Rim

"The Properties of Sn-doped α-Ga₂O₃ Films on c-plane Sapphire Substrates Grown by MIST-CVD"

2023 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2023. 6. 21.)

30. Kyong Jae Kim and You Seung Rim

"Ionic gated electric-double-layer synaptic transistor for efficient neuromorphic computing"

2023 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2023. 6. 21.)

29. Hojung Jeon and You Seung Rim

"Bio-resorbable Resistive Random-access Memory with Alginate for Hardware Security Application"

The 18th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 5. 16)

28. Kyong Jae Kim and You Seung Rim

"Electric Double Layer Gated Synaptic Transistor based on Ionic Gel/IGZO Hybrid Structure"

The 18th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2023), Jeju, Korea (2023. 5. 14)

27. Hojung Jeon and You Seung Rim

"Bio-resorbable Resistive Random Access Memory for Transient Electronics and Applying to Artificial Synapse"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13)

26. Go Eun Choi and You Seung Rim

"Hardware-Based Spiking Neural Network with Optical Synaptic Thin Film Transistors"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13)

25. Kyong Jae Kim and You Seung Rim

"Ionic-gel based electric double layer synaptic transistor for neuromorphic computing"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13)

24. Jang Hyuk Park and You Seung Rim

"Epitaxial growth of Ga₂O₃ films for different ligand structures by mist chemical vapor depostion"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13)

23. Won Jin Song and You Seung Rim

"β-Ga₂O₃ 기반 쇼트키배리어다이오드의 오믹 접합 특성 향상 연구"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13)

22. Ji Young Min, Taehyun Kim, Young-Kyun Jung, Taeho Jeong and You Seung Rim

"Effect of P-type Li-doped NiOx/n-Ga₂O₃ Power Diode"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13) 

21. Tan Hoang Vu Nguyen and You Seung Rim

"Biocompatible Agarose-Based Resistive Random-Access Memory for Transient Electronics"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13)

20. Shaikh Mohammad Tauquir Alam Shamim and You Seung Rim

"Engineering the Linear Conductance in PVP Polymer Based Neuromorphic Device for Physical Transient Healthcare Application"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13)

19. Chowdam Venkata Prasad and You Seung Rim

"Electrical Properties of Pt/p-CuAlO₂/β-Ga₂O₃ Heterojunction with a Copper Aluminum Oxide Interlayer"

제 30회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2023. 2. 13)

18. Eun seo Jo and You Seung Rim

"Charge Trap Memory According to the Thickness of the Trapping Layer for Synaptic Transistor"

Korean International Semiconductor Conference on Manufacturing Technology 2022 (KISM 2022), Busan, Korea (2022. 11. 14.)

17. Ji Young Min, Taehyun Kim, Young-Kyun Jung, Taeho Jeong and You Seung Rim

"Effects of Electrical Characteristics on Undoped and Li-doped NiOx Interlayers on β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Diodes"

Korean International Semiconductor Conference on Manufacturing Technology 2022 (KISM 2022), Busan, Korea (2022. 11. 14.)

16. Hojung Jeon and You Seung Rim

"Eco-friendly and Bio-resorbable Neuromorphic Devices for Hardware-secure Applications"

The 7th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE 2022), Jeju, Korea (2022.11.07.)

15. Eun seo Jo and You Seung Rim

"High Linearity of Charge Trap Memory for Synaptic Transistor through Trap Control"

The 7th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE 2022), Jeju, Korea (2022.11.07.)

14. Ji Young Min, Taehyun Kim, Young-Kyun Jung, Taeho Jeong and You Seung Rim

"Electrical Properties of Li-doped p-NiOx Interlayers Embedded Ni/β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Diodes"

The 7th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE 2022), Jeju, Korea (2022.11.07.)

13. Joon Hui Park and You Seung Rim

"Phase Engineering and High-crystalline Hetero Epitaxial Growth of α-Ga₂O₃ by Mist Chemical Deposition"

The 7th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE 2022), Jeju, Korea (2022.11.07.)

12. Go eun Choi and You Seung Rim

"IGZO/CsPbBr₃ Neuromorphic Phototransistor' Complex Synaptic Behavior Mimic"

2022 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2022. 6. 23.)

11. Kyong Jae Kim and You Seung Rim

"High-performance of IGZTO Thin-Film Transistor fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering"

2022 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2022. 6. 23.)

10. Won jin Song and You Seung Rim

"The effect of interfacial IZO on the β-Ga₂O₃ Ohmic contact"

2022 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2022. 6. 23.)

9. Nguyen Tan Hoang Vu, Ho jung Jeon and You Seung Rim

"Resistive random-access memory embedded with agarose as an active layer for transient electronics"

2022 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2022. 6. 22.)

8. Eun seo Jo and You Seung Rim

"Charge Trap Memory Transistorfor Neuromorphic through Trap Time Control"

제29 회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2022. 1. 25)

7. Go Eun Choi and You Seung Rim

"인간 두뇌 구조를 모방한 전 무기질 광시냅스"

제29 회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2022. 1. 25)

6. Ji Young Min and You Seung Rim

"Electrical Properties of Ni/β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Diodes with Intermediate p-NiOₓ Layer"

제29 회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2022. 1. 25)

5. Joon Hui Park and You Seung Rim

"Phase Engineering and High-crystalline Hetero Epitaxial Growth of α-Ga₂O₃ by Mist Chemical Vapor Deposition"

제29 회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, Korea (2022. 1. 25)

4. Ji Young Min and You Seung Rim

"Effect of p-type NiOₓ interlayers on β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Diodes"

The 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2021), Jeju, Korea (2021. 11. 9.)

3. Go Eun Choi and You Seung Rim

"Highly Detective IGZO Phototransistors with CsPbX₃ Perovskite"

2021 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2021. 6. 30.)

2. Eun seo Jo and You Seung Rim

"Charge Trap Memory for Depressed Synaptic Transistor by Ga₂O₃ Trapping Layer"

2021 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2021. 6. 30.)

1. Ji Young Min and You Seung Rim

"HfO₂ interlayer embedded β-Ga₂O₃ Schottky barrier diode"

2021 한국전기전자재료학회 하계학술대회, Pyeongchang, Korea (2021. 6. 30.)

© Intelligent Semiconductor Laboratory 2016, Sejong University, 209, Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05006, Korea

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